Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Its amazing how many things can change in one year… I was looking back into my journal I saw that life isn’t as easy when you stand back and look at everything that’s gone on. I loved the journaling because we could express ourselves however we wanted and not be afraid to say weird or crazy things. It was cool to just take a personal time and think about all that’s happened in the past and focus on whats ahead. Im so glad we got to journal everyday because some of the days it was eh but most I had tons to write about.

It was amazing how all the songs worked out! Theres so many amazing musicians in this class its crazy!!! For example all of the songs that we made were different and none of them were the same… that’s kinda how life works too… some stories are different than others and we all get to choose how we live life… we all have the choice or right and wrong, heaven or hell, love or hate, and we all choose what we want. Im so glad and grateful that I had the choice to go to 3rd period creative writing because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have gotten better at song writing or even just writing!

All the projects we did were never boring or useless or so I thought. All of the cards that we made, and the story we had to write were extremely fun. And it was also cool that we had so much freedom on what to do our projects on. The music in the beginning of every class was cool too cause every day it would be a different song and some days the song would tie into what I was writing or make me feel more alive when I wrote. Im so glad I had you as a teacher [Miss Campbell] and I really hope you can teach next year!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I am obsessed with chocolate.

1. I hate all sorts of nuts.
2. Things that normally cause all of my sneezing are sodas and the sun.
3. I am *obsessed* with chocolate. I was actually going to name my blog Queen of Chocolate and go into fangirl posts every single day, but then I found out a girl took my URL from my claws. Gawsh. But I like this way better!
4. I cannot stand the sight of blood. I have yet to faint, but when people say the word “veins” (I almost fainted just writing that word) I get all weird and I can’t really grasp anything with my hands and I feel like curling up in a ball. I hate blood.
5. I love having the hiccups. I think it’s the cutest thing ever.

6. The first “book” I ever wrote, I started it when I was nine, finished it when I was ten, and it had exactly 87 pages in it. It was about a mythical place deep inside a hidden place, and could only be entered through a marble door.
7. If I were to sing out loud, children everywhere would pass out.
8. I’m really paranoid. If I’m by myself in a car or waiting for anyone, I feel like someone’s going to jump out and kill me or kidnap me.
9. When going up the stairs, I sprint up because I think someone is chasing me.
10. When eating M&M's, I always leave the brown ones till the end. Always... I feel disappointed if I accidentally eat a brown one.

Jessica Sandoval


Third period creative writing was been amazing. I never would have thought that I would like writing so much. The best part was being able to journal never in a million years would I think that I would keep a journal. Normally I get bored with it and stop… But Because of this class I write in my journal all the time. Not only in class when we have to write but whenever. Favorite part was being able to just write about whatever, I could write about my day or just vent about something that I was going through at the time. I liked that I wasn’t forced to read my work unless I wanted to because when you’re forced the fun of it goes away. Even though we did class work it didn’t feel like a class because it was just chill and cool. It’s cool because I did things that I never thought I’d ever do like help write a song and write stories, even though they probably sucked, but still it was fun. Miss Campbell is a cool teacher also so that made it better. I liked how she let us kind of in a sense do what we want. We were free to be as creative as we wanted to be.
I’m really going to miss everyone and the good times in that class room. Everyone was pretty much good with each other no one really had any beef with anyone so it was perfect, no drama! When I think of creative writing class… I think of Bryce’s random food writings, Tyler pretending to read and the music. I don’t care what anyone says I thought the music was good. Yupppppp so gonna miss that class


Creative writing was fun this year.

Creative writing was fun this year. I had a great time doing the writing every day. The first day of that class was interesting. There were a lot of familiar faces. I remember hearing all the random stories about all kinds of stuff. I remember that I wrote about Obama and Kobe playing basketball. I also remember when Vidal came late on the first day and had the best story. He use to make me laugh all the time. I liked creative writing the first semester because my best friend was in the class, then he left to go to study hall. I was so mad I wanted to transfer to but there were no classes for me to go to, so I stayed.

So the 3rd quarter was the worst for me I had no one to really talk to. It was getting really boring. Then we watched freedom writers. That movie inspired me to like the class more. I began to like writing again; it was like the beginning of school for me. Then Miss Campbell told us that we were going to do a song. I was super happy for that. I liked working in my group with Kat, Alex and Se’Anna. I had a great time writing the song with them. The song was my favorite thing of the year.

And I would like to thank Miss Eslinger for putting up with me. This was one of my favorite classes.


Oh my goodness so weird! I’m sad..that this is gonna be our last blog that we are writing for a the same time, kinda relieved that we don’t have to be graded anymore. But yeah, this class has been great! All the writing assignments were kinda fun, and some of them REALLY fun. I got to dig in deeper within myself and actually find out some things about myself that I never knew… It sounds weird, I know. Maybe you feel the same way, or maybe you’re just like, “Uhm…okaaay WHAT is she talking about?” Haha, but whatever my blog post. =P But yeah, when the topics got deeper, that’s when…well I got deeper…when I got personal, with myself..haha. Anyways, I’m really glad actually that I took this class. It was a lot of writing, sometimes a lot of work, but I really enjoyed it!

In the beginning of the year, I remember when we were told that we were gona write in our journals, and never stop writing for like the first 10 or 15 minutes of class, I was just like, “AWESOME!” haha cuz I like to journal. It was kind of weird at first..haha funny, cuz when you looked around at that time, everybody was just like “Eh? What? What do we write about for 10/15 minutes!” Oh yes, I remember that..and then all the funky/calm.depressing/happy/interesting/questionable..? –MUSIC that we listened to! I loved that part..Oh also, remember those worksheets we got for that ”character” part of the quarter? Yeh’p oh, and what Alex mentioned in class the last week, all of Vidal’s crazy jibber, but beautiful lil poems/stories…uhm whatever they were. Ahaa..I remember getting in trouble for talking to Karen or Bryce or just someone in general a lot. Whooops, sorry, Miss Campbell my bad. Oh and Bryce, I think I will actually miss your random stories about how much you day Bryce..we shall feast! At the same time! Ahaa, but awww and of course, Miss Campbell’s surprising and cpp; stpries about her life..and of course, we’ve got to witness the development of her and Jesse’s relationship from being her “man friend” to her “boyfriend” to now her “FIANCEE!” haha love it! But yeah, those were good times. The end was definitely my favorite. I was SO INCREDIBLY excited you don’t even know. Haa, I can’t believe we actually wrote a song! And played them together…in FRONT of people. That was really cool, and I really loved it.

Well, it’s really been great, I am now about to make my “depart sentence” so…to all my creative-writer-classmate-bloggers, it’s been a great year..I hope that you’ve enjoyed yourself too and everything…and yeah! Well laters everyone, goodbye 2009-2010 school year and good luck to all my seniors! You will truly be missed! And Miss Campbell, have fun on your wedding, I am SOOOO HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR YOU WUHUUU!!!! We love you and thank you for everything you’ve done for us! It was amazing! Hope to see all of you in the future sometime, thank you hehe laters!


So writing a song...with 3 other people...with very different tastes in music...but bring all there different ideas together to form a great amazing! It's hard enough writing a song on your own to fit into the box that you have imagined in your head! But that's the best part about don't have to be pushed and closed into this box when you're writing a song! Of course there are formats and outlines you can follow, but the beauty is you can throw all that out the window and create your own format! Writing a song gives you the chance to be free, be who you are, express your thoughts and feelings musically, dare to suck and not care! I definitely have dared to suck and believe me...definitely accomplished the sucking aspect of that phrase! But in music that's what's awesome, you may think you have a stupid lyric in your head, but you throw it into your song anyways and it actually works really well! Expressing who you are through music and words and sharing that with others is a great feeling! The best part is, whatever you feel that day and decide to write about, there’s a genre of music for you! You feeling happy?! Write an upbeat, fun, poppish song! You feel a bit discouraged...I would say write a sad song but then you just become more flip that frown upside down and write an encouraging, uplifting, high song! Which makes me think of a wonderful song by Miley Cyrus...When I look at you! :) Its a song about being discouraged, but once you just look at that one person...everything is ok again. So many times we feel like nothing is going right or the way we planned or thought it would, but there's always that one person that can make everything better. That one person, that no matter how bad you're feeling, can you make you smile from ear to ear without saying one word. That one person that you know you couldn't live without. That one person that you would beyond a shadow of a doubt jump in front of a bullet for. That one person that you know was placed into your life...not at all by accident or chance...but for a reason. For some people that person could be God, it could be your mom or dad, your brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, best friend, girlfriend, matter who that person is make sure they know how you feel about them. Let them know how much of an impact they make in your life. Let them know how much you care for and love them. Let them know that you would never want to be without them...even if that meant taking your last breath so that they might live one more day. This is what Jesus did for willing to do this for somebody else.

This was one of the most random years of my life.

But at the same time I don’t know in what way. It just was. If you know what I mean. If you don’t, don’t worry, because I barely do. Ahaha. I did not accomplish any of the things I planned on accomplishing. Which was really rather disappointing, considering that I had a lot of goals on my “LIST OF THINGS I PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH THIS YEAR”. I think maybe I did one or two of the things I planned on doing. I’ll work on them during the Summer Holidays, though. I will try to accomplish at least half of the list. If not more. My grades started out pretty good, until I got all stressed, then my grades dropped drastically. That was NOT good. But I made more friends and my bonds with my other friends were strengthened. So that was good. At least I did that. I was really happy about the Creative Writing class, though. I think it really helped me discover my inner writer further. I found out that I am incredibly serious about a writing career. Which is really good because that is all I am good at, besides shopping and traveling. And well, you don’t really get paid for that. I really enjoyed the class. I especially adored the “Fiction Writing” section. Since that’s what I’m good at. I should expand my horizons though. It’s just it is so much more easier sticking to what you can do, people can’t tell you that you’re wrong in those cases. Having this class was a relief. Especially when you have teachers who don’t like how you write at all. There is nothing worst than that. Except, of course, when you get accused of plagiarizing.


Love All Of You:
-Karen Guzman